Friday, September 13, 2013

Philanthropic Marketing

Philanthropic Marketing

Philanthropy is an excellent way to give back to others and volunteer in communities that need help. Dock Houk is passionate about his philanthropic efforts and has put together a few tips on how to incorporate philanthropy into a marketing strategy for your business.

Dock Houk believes integrating philanthropic endeavors into a marketing strategy requires creating public awareness of the social need to give back to the community as well as promoting the effort from your organization. This is a great opportunity to not only raise awareness for a good cause but also show that your business is dedicated to striving for a better society. By creating a balanced marketing strategy you can be sure to drive interest to not only your company but towards philanthropy.

You should start by choosing a problem we face as a society and target your philanthropic efforts towards that problem. Find ways to solve this issue at hand and incorporate ways your business can help reach a solution. After you have developed a few solutions, get your customers involved and ask them to donate or help with the cause. This will show customers that you care about the community and in turn increase sales for your company. Supporting different philanthropic campaigns is not only good for our society but can also help your business grow and succeed. For more tips and information, contact Dock Houk.  

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