Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dr. J.T. "Dock" Houk - Godfather of Double Racket Tennis

Many of you know of Dr. J.T. "Dock" Houk, ADA Dock Houk as a philanthropist, entrepreneur, selfless giver and innovator, but a lesser known fact about this individual is that the Doc himself is the Godfather of double racket tennis. 

The art of playing tennis has been tweaked by some who, while they love the game, prefer to play with two rackets (one in each hand) rather than the traditional one racket style. As Dr. J.T. "Dock" Houk mastered this sport years ago, there are currently others who are bringing it back into the spotlight. Don Mueller is currently the focus of this style of tennis on many news channels, and Dock Houk recognizes his skill and complements his promotion of the game. 

Tennis is just one of the many facets of life for which Dock Houk has demonstrated his passion for. Dock is known as an individual who is worldly, innovative, inventive, and (above all) giving. As the CEO of the National Heritage Foundation, he ensures that the earnings are allocated in the most charitable manner while only accepting a miniscule salary himself.

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